Ann (Nancy) Vanleer was born 2/10/1786. Died 8/1845. Married John Templin (born 1774, died 6/4/1856). Both are buried at St. Mary’s Episcopal, East Nantmeal, Pa. He was the younger brother of Samuel Templin who married Ann’s older sister, Elizabeth. They were the sons of William (1740-1818) and Hannah Dodson Templin. This memorial was created around 1850 by Catherine Hannaette Jarden, granddaughter of William and Hannah Templin. The memorial is now in the possession of her grandson, Stuart Bradley, Jr. The Dodson’s were coal people.
Descendants of Ann Van Leer Templin, listed below–starting with Van Leer Generation 10– were taken from the “Vanleer Papers” at Chester County Historical Society.
10. Hannaette Ross Templin. (2) Born 1805. Died 1890. Married Thomas Potts. Her biographer was listed in a book History of Chester County, Pennsylvania by J. Smith Futhey and Gilbert Cope in 1881. It notes the Van Leer family as a well known family and that they were noted in the anti-slavery movement.
11. David Potts. (1) Born 10/21/1820.
11. Ann Potts. (3) Born 4/21/1827, Tennessee.
11. Martha Potts. (3) Born 1/5/1833.
11. Mary Potts. (4) Born 4/30/1836.
11. Emma Gertrude Potts. (5) Born 5/9/1838, Chester County, Pa.
11. John Potts. (6) Born 2/28/1841, Virginia. Married Ada G. Thompson, daughter of John and Elizabeth Thompson. John Potts died 3/25/1923. Was director of Philadelphia Mint.
11. Holman Potts. (7) Born 2/8/1844, Jefferson, Pa.
11. Thomas May Potts, Jr. (8) Born 2/26/1848
10. Elizabeth (Eliza) Wayne Van Leer Templin. (2) Born 1808. Died 4/14/1847. Married 3/1824 Robert Jarden (born 1798, died 3/29/1868. He was son of Samuel and Catherine Mary Jorden.
11. Samuel Jarden. (1) Born 4/6/1825. Died 2/22/1900. Married Amanda Shaeffer (born 1/24/1824, died 8/25/1898.
12. Frederick von Leer Jarden. (1) Born 1857. Died 1926. Married Mary (Nancy Elizabeth) Templin (born 4/1/1856.) No children.
12. Walter H. Jarden. (2) Born 1859. Died 12/1934. Married Gertrude Finley (born 1876).
13. Ellen Margaretta Jarden. (1) Born 1901. Married Otto Frederick Nolde. 3 children. Names unknown.
11. Ann Adeline Jarden. (2) Born 5/19/1827. Died 8/9/1834.
11. John Templin Jarden. (3) Born 4/1/1829. Married Lydia Baird.
11. Robert Jarden, Jr. (4) Born 7/14/1832. Died 8/26/1832.
11. Ann Adeline Jarden, II. (5) Born 10/31/1833. Died 7/21/1837.
11. Catherine Hannaette Jarden. (6) Born 6/19/1836. Died 9/1/1920. Married 1855 William Southey Burris of Virginia (born 1824, died 10/8/1862.
12. Nathaniel Burris. (1)
12. William Henri Burris. (2) Born 3/9/1858. Married 1/14/1886 Fannie Hoover (born 7/30/1858. He was historian for the State of Minnesota DAR. Provided information for “Vanleer Papers.”
13. Kathryn Stuart Burris. (1) Born 10/22/1886. Married 8/10/1910 Edward Cook Bradley. Lived in Michigan.
14. Wayne Edward Bradley. (1) Born 7/11/1911.
14. William Matlack Bradley. (2) Born 8/11/1913. Died 11/26/1913.
14. Stuart Van Leer Bradley. (3) Born 12/2/1916.
14. Bruce Burris Bradley. (4) Born 5/25/1919.
13. William Wayne Burris. (2) Born 6/16/1888. Married 8/17/1910 Alice McDonald Stratton (born 8/28/1884.
14. Alice Roberta Burris. (1) Born 5/6/1911. Married 7/20/1934 Howard Lawrence Plumber.
13. Francis Roberta Burris. (3) Born 6/9/1891. Married 2/26/1913 Ernest Alfred Merritt (born 4/11/1890.
14. Alfred William Merritt. (1) Born 11/11/1913.
14. John Merritt. (2) Twin of Alfred. Died 11/15/1913.
14. Frances Jean Merritt. (3) Born 4/21/1918.
14. Kathryn Elizabeth Merritt. (4) Born 6/10/1920.
11. Roberta Jarden. (7) Born 7/18/1839. Died 1909. Married 1879 J. Warren Crowell (born 9/21/1831, died 1913.)
11. George Whitfield Jarden. (8) Born 7/24/1844. Died 4/29/1903. Married Ella Maris Hill (died 10/20/1934.)
10. William Templin. (3) Born 1812. West Point cadet. Died 1834 of typhoid fever contracted on return trip from visit with his uncle Anthony Van Leer in Tennessee. Buried at West Point.
10. Ann Templin. (4) Born 1814. Died 2/27/1835. Buried St. Mary’s, Warwick, Pa.
10. John Templin. (5) Born 1818. Married Margaret.
10. Lewis C. Templin. (6) Born 4/18/1821. Died 1893. Married Hannah Baugh Urner (born 7/9/1824, died 11/27/1902.) Said to haunt the Templin home. Walks quietly through the house in nightshirt and cape, carrying a candle making sure that the doors have been locked.
11. Mary Templin. (1) Born 4/1/1856. Married Frederick von Leer Jarden, her second cousin. Collector of Van Leer genealogy.
11. Hannaette Alice Templin. (2) Born 8/29/1866. Died 1933. Married William Murray Gifford (died 1915.) Both buried San Gabriel Cemetery, Alhambra, California. No children.
11. John Wayne Templin. (3) Born 12/16/1860. Died 4/24/1923. Married 10/11/1893 Roberta Mary Irwin (born 7/6/1867, died 11/24/1908.) She was the daughter of Robert M. Irwin and Caroline Cowan Irwin.
12. Robert Lewis Templin. (1) Born 10/20/1895. Married Helen Dowlin of Dowlin Forge (born 5/22/1901.)
13. Robert Lewis Templin, Jr. (1) Born 6/29/1921.
13. Clifton Dowlin Templin. (2) Born 8/9/1925. Died as infant.
13. Anthony Wayne Templin. (3) Born 6/22/1927.
12. Raymond Cornell Templin. (2) Born 4/18/1898 in Coatesville, Pa. Married 6/16/1923 Ruby McCullough (born 3/9/1898, Cooperstown, Pa.) Daughter of David and Mary (McCush) McCullough.
13. Raymond Cornell Templin, Jr. (1) Born 3/30/1924.
13. Patricia Anne Templin. (2) Born 11/3/1929.